Maternity leave can feel like a whirlwind, and if you’re feeling a bit lost or disappointed because it’s not going how you imagined, you’re not alone. Many mums have grand plans for their time off—things like catching up on projects, meeting up with friends, or simply enjoying some quiet bonding time with baby. But the reality? It’s often messier, more tiring, and less productive than expected.

Why Maternity Leave Often Feels Different from What You’d Hoped

You probably envisioned maternity leave as this perfect, Instagram-worthy time full of smiles, cozy naps, and getting things done. But the reality is, caring for a newborn is demanding and unpredictable. Babies follow their own schedules, leaving little room for yours. Add to that the exhaustion and the emotional adjustments, and suddenly those big plans can feel out of reach.

It’s also common to feel a little isolated. When you’re at home with a newborn, days can blur together, and you might miss the social interactions and routine you had before. This change can leave you feeling unproductive, even though you’re doing one of the hardest jobs there is—being a mum! Come along to our Adventure Babies classes to meet parents at the exact same stage that you are going through.

It’s Okay to Hit Pause on Those Grand Plans

First things first: give yourself grace. The endless to-do list can wait. Remember, maternity leave is a time for healing, rest, and bonding with your baby. Even if your days feel like they’re all about nappies, feeding, and (hopefully) sneaking in some sleep, that’s okay. That’s the work of maternity leave.

Ways to Add a Bit of Structure (Without Pressure) To Your Maternity Leave

If you’re craving some structure or small goals to feel more purposeful, here are a few ideas:

  • Break your day into chunks: Instead of planning full days of activities, aim for smaller chunks of time. Maybe a morning walk with the pram, a short nap while baby sleeps, or a few minutes of journaling in the evening.
  • Connect with other mums: Joining a local mum group or attending baby classes (like Adventure Babies sensory storytelling classes) can help you meet other mums in the same boat. You’ll likely find they’re feeling the same way you are!
  • Embrace “slow goals”: Don’t pressure yourself to achieve big things. Small, gentle goals—like reading a book a month, learning a new recipe, or organizing one drawer—can give you a sense of accomplishment without adding stress.

What You’re Doing Is Enough

Maternity leave is an incredibly unique time, and it’s okay if it doesn’t look like the productive break you initially planned. Bonding with your baby, healing, and adjusting to motherhood is all part of the process, even if it feels like you’re standing still. You are doing enough.

As time goes on, you’ll likely find your rhythm. And remember, the early days of just “being” with your baby are valuable, even if they don’t come with ticked-off to-do lists.

Final Thoughts

If you’re feeling lost on maternity leave, know that it’s a shared experience. Many mums struggle with the shift in expectations, and it’s okay to let go of the idea that you need to “do it all.” This time is precious, even if it doesn’t feel productive in the traditional sense. Be kind to yourself—you’re doing great.