As a new parent, you’re probably wondering what “play” means for your little one. Babies are natural-born explorers, and play is their way of learning about the world. But what exactly does play consist of for babies? Let’s dive into the different types of play, why it’s important, and how you can make the most of playtime with your baby.

Why Is Play Important for Babies?

Play isn’t just fun and games—it’s a crucial part of your baby’s development. Through play, babies develop their motor skills, learn to interact with their environment, and start to understand social cues. Play also encourages creativity, problem-solving, and emotional growth. Essentially, every time your baby plays, they’re learning something new!

Types of Play for Babies

  1. Sensory Play
    From birth to around six months, babies primarily engage in sensory play. This involves anything that stimulates their senses—sight, sound, touch, taste, and smell. Simple activities like feeling different textures, listening to your voice, or watching colorful toys can captivate your baby’s attention.
  2. Tummy Time
    Tummy time is a form of play that strengthens your baby’s neck and shoulder muscles, preparing them for crawling. It also prevents the flat spots that can develop on the back of the head. Start with just a few minutes a day and gradually increase the time as your baby gets stronger.
  3. Interactive Play
    From around three months, babies start enjoying interactive play, which involves you or another caregiver. Peek-a-boo, singing songs, and simple games like “This Little Piggy” are not only entertaining but also help your baby learn about cause and effect, facial expressions, and language.
  4. Exploratory Play
    As babies grow, they begin to explore their surroundings more. Give them safe objects to touch, shake, or put in their mouths. Babies love to explore, and this type of play helps them learn about different textures, shapes, and sounds.
  5. Imitative Play
    By about six to nine months, babies start to imitate the actions they see. They might try to copy you talking on the phone, brushing your hair, or clapping hands. This kind of play is vital for social and cognitive development as it helps babies understand their role in the world around them.

Tips for Making the Most of Playtime

  • Follow Your Baby’s Lead: Pay attention to what interests your baby. If they’re fixated on a toy or a sound, let them explore it. This keeps playtime fun and engaging for them.
  • Keep It Simple: You don’t need fancy toys. Everyday objects like a wooden spoon, a soft blanket, or a plastic container can be fascinating to your baby.
  • Make It a Routine: Integrate play into your daily routine. Whether it’s during bath time, after a nappy change, or just before bed, these moments of play strengthen your bond with your baby.
  • Be Present: Put away distractions like your phone and focus on being present with your baby. Your attention is the best gift you can give during playtime.
  • Join us at Adventure Babies! A dedicated space and time to enjoy playing with you baby safe in the knowledge that activities and resources are perfect for your baby at each stage of their development.


Play is a magical time for babies. It’s through play that they discover the world and begin to understand how they fit into it. As a new parent, you have the joy and responsibility of guiding them through this playful journey. Remember, the most important part of play is simply being there—engaging, laughing, and exploring alongside your baby.

Enjoy these precious moments, and happy playing!

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