When Will My Baby Start to Crawl? An Adventure Babies Guide for Parents

As a parent, one of the most exciting milestones in your baby’s development is when they start to crawl. It’s a sign of growing independence and physical development, and it’s natural to wonder when this will happen. While every baby is unique and may develop at their own pace, there are general timelines and tips that can help you understand this important stage.

Typical Crawling Age

Most babies begin to crawl between 6 and 10 months old. However, it’s important to remember that some babies might start earlier and others might take a bit longer. There are also different styles of crawling, such as:

  • Classic crawl: Alternating hand and knee movement.
  • Bear crawl: Hands and feet on the floor with straightened legs.
  • Commando crawl: Using the arms to drag the body while the tummy remains on the floor.
  • Bottom scoot: Using the bottom and legs to scoot around.

Signs Your Baby is Ready to Crawl

Before your baby starts crawling, there are a few developmental signs to look out for:

  1. Sitting Up Unassisted: Babies often begin crawling soon after they can sit up without support.
  2. Rocking Back and Forth: You might see your baby getting on their hands and knees and rocking back and forth. This is a sign they’re strengthening their muscles and preparing to move.
  3. Reaching and Pivoting: If your baby starts reaching for toys and pivoting their body, they’re getting ready to crawl.

How to Encourage Crawling

You can help your baby develop the necessary skills to crawl by providing plenty of tummy time and a safe, engaging environment. Here are some tips:

  1. Tummy Time: Encourage daily tummy time to strengthen your baby’s neck, shoulders, arms, and back muscles. Start with a few minutes several times a day and gradually increase the duration.
  2. Play and Interaction: Place toys and interesting objects just out of reach to motivate your baby to move towards them.
  3. Safe Space: Ensure your baby has a safe and spacious area to explore. Remove any hazards and provide a soft surface for them to practice on.
  4. Get Down on Their Level: Spend time on the floor with your baby. Show them how to move and offer plenty of positive reinforcement.

What If My Baby Doesn’t Crawl?

It’s important not to worry if your baby isn’t crawling by the typical age range. Some babies skip crawling altogether and move straight to pulling up, standing, or walking. If you have concerns about your baby’s development, consult your pediatrician for guidance.


Crawling is a significant milestone in your baby’s growth and development, and it’s exciting to witness their progress. Remember that every baby is unique and will reach this milestone at their own pace. By providing support, encouragement, and a safe environment, you can help your baby develop the skills they need to start crawling.


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